Our Services


Court Advocacy

Safe Harbor Family Crisis Center provides court advocacy for survivors of domestic violence of Knox County. We assist survivors by providing information about victim’s rights, order of protections, and other legal resources. Our court advocates accompany survivors to court to assist them through their hearing procedures and to provide emotional support. Safe Harbor advocates are not attorneys and cannot give any legal advice.

24 Hour Crisis Hotline

Our crisis line provides free, 24 hour, and confidential support for victims of domestic violence. Safe Harbor volunteers and advocates are able to provide emotional support, assistance in preparing an emergency leave from a violent household, and assist in reporting any violations of order of protections.

Support Group

It is common for survivors to feel alone in dealing with the impact of violence on their lives. Support groups offer an opportunity for survivors to share their experiences and identify common feelings and gain the support of one another. Survivors often report that they feel less isolated by the end of the group. Safe Harbor provides support group opportunities for children, teens, and adults. All support groups opportunities take place at our office.

To know more information about our support group services call our office at 309-343-7233.

Social Service Referrals

We work with other organizations to assist our clients in empowering themselves whether is through housing, economic, or financial assistance. Our advocates are knowledgeable of the requirements for different social programs and we are able to refer our clients to these programs.

Community Education

Making the community aware of how domestic violence impacts our community is a big part of who we are, here at Safe Harbor. Even if you have not personally had experience with domestic violence, chances are, someone you know has. It is our responsibility as a community to recognize the signs of domestic violence, and to put a stop to it! We can only do this, if we educate others. We have staff that is available to do community outreaches at local schools, churches, clubs, groups, and workplaces. If you are interested in having someone come and educate your group about domestic violence, contact info@safeharborfcc.org for more information.

Clothing and Food

We help provide clothing and food baskets for victims and children.

Children’s Programs

Safe Harbor offers a weekly domestic violence support group for children. We provide a safe and nurturing environment where a child can feel comfortable discussing topics along with their peers. This support group concentrates on safety, healthy relationships, and effective ways to manage/express our emotions. You can also contact Safe Harbor’s Child Advocate to discuss the possibility of your child meeting individually for additional support. Safe Harbor offers the SHINE mentoring program. The purpose of the SHINE Program is to empower youth affected by domestic violence in our community to be successful in forming healthy relationships and breaking the cycle of violence. This program aims to help improve self-esteem, develop leadership skills, and encourage social responsibility. All Mentors are 40 hour certified in domestic violence and are paired with mentees. Safe Harbor also provides several events throughout the year to help in normalizing your child’s holiday routines by providing an Easter Egg Hunt and Christmas Party!